White supremacists wear clothes, Androidpk wears clothes! How long have you been part of the white power movement, Androidpk?
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White supremacists wear clothes, Androidpk wears clothes! How long have you been part of the white power movement, Androidpk?
Who knew AOC was a white supremacists?
Oh wait, is this one of those things where it's only racist if a white person does it and everyone else can get away with it?
Have you not heard? Only white people are capable of being racist because racism doesn't actually mean racism but instead signifies oppression of the minority by the majority. Ipsofuckto it's impossible for whitey to be racisted against but every breath taken is like spitting in the face of all the native american grandmothers. On the plus side, the census indicates whites will become a minority in 2045, and damn won't that be sweet! I'll be dropping N bombs like I was collecting a royalty check while all the wrappers who dropped an album since the 90's is slapped with federal hate crim charges.
*while paraphrased, this interaction and subject matter are actual arguments I have had.
the only thing i've learned today is that Gelston's U is to close to his I... someone fix please. he's also pretty much right.
I think THIS will destroy your argument.
Notice how that "Easter Bunny" is white too???
Please write a heart felt apology and I won't report you for defending racism.
Also, from this point forward: If you put the :lol: emote at the end of your sentence, it means you are a white supremacist, because you are literally laughing at black people.
Remember when you weren’t a massive retard who believed in unicorns, had a clue about anything, and thought for himself instead of parroting everything CNN says to think?
Me either.
Who do I hate though? This is news to me. Please be specific. I know you wouldn’t just make a claim like that without anything to back it up or deflect when asked to elaborate, because only pussies like PK do that.