Reported 2x. And I have water lore.
I guess I'll just mill things over about if I want to pick up the xpac.
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WoW is gay as fuck, Everquest 2 > WoW
See how I never mentioned the 1st amendment? Free speech is a concept that goes beyond just the amendment. It is enshrined in the amendment to protect us from the government. What I meant is that the NFL will have zero impact on your free speech but that twitter/facebook could have a very real impact it.
So where did I mention the press? Oh, that's right, I didn't. I mentioned some companies that are monopolies in their markets which, in the past, has brought the Federal banhammer down to cause a breakup. Microsoft was super close to getting broken up once before as well. So, with the prevailing wind of the people, there is likely going to be calls for either breaking up FB, Twitter and Google/Alphabet and/or calls to regulate them as a utility much like the FCC regulates phone, radio and TV.
Now I would LOVE for there to be a conservative or even neutral social medial platform to compete with FB and Twitter, a neutral search engine platform to bang on Google's door, I was very disappointed that Youtube sold out and is now as much of a Socialist shill company as Google has become and it would be great to see substantial competitors to all of them. Unfortunately, much like AT&T got the jump on the phone market, Standard oil was able to crush it's competition and US Steel took over and then strangled the steel market, these companies are in such a position that they are unlikely to face serious competition anytime soon so the consensus of many of the people is that the government should do something about their continued blatant censorship.
Not my favorite outcome, just one that I see as almost inevitable.