Shut up moron, you have no clue what you are talking about.
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Holy shit! Ted Cruz is claiming 1a violations by facebook? WTF? These guys have no moral compass and they're minions enable it by supporting them and regurgitating the talking points.
Yeah it's not even close to the same thing. The NFL is clamping down on their own employees' free speech while they are at work and representing the league. Not to mention the NFL is about playing football, or at least it used to be before they decided to make it a political organization.
Facebook claims to be a social media platform that is open to everyone and all ideas yet they are clamping down on certain speech from one segment of their user base. If Facebook just came right out and said "Yeah we don't like Republicans so our platform is just for Democrats now" then that would be one thing. The fact that they claim otherwise then engage in underhanded and sneaky tactics to silence certain people because of their political leanings is bullshit.