Tei just wanted to say your list info was very helpful in filling out the info on the wiki page. Thank you!
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Tei just wanted to say your list info was very helpful in filling out the info on the wiki page. Thank you!
shop: under the counter
description: a double-strung black pearl chaplet
look: Shadows engulf the black pearl chaplet
analyze: The black pearl chaplet can be freely altered. Part of the LOOK will always remain. It cannot be recharged.
wear: Tendrils of shadow spiral outward from your black pearl chaplet as it coils around your neck.
remove: Shadows release your black pearl chaplet, which falls into the palm of your hand.
rub: You rub the black pearl chaplet, causing the shadows to coalesce and enshroud you completely (spell active shows 10 minutes for duration)
Teiana rubs her black pearl chaplet, causing shadows to coalesce and enshroud her completely.
shop: garmac's goods
description: an ebon-stained ash case (gambling kit)
analyze: The ash case isn't unlocked. This item must stay a case or kit of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that the case's messaging references it having a small, large, and secret compartment, a cubbyhole, and a narrow slot. The table (on top) cannot be deepened.
open: You open the ash case, being careful not to spill the contents.
close: You close the ash case, securing the contents.
put: You toss the jet-inset ivory dice into a small compartment inside the ash case.
You discreetly stow the black alum darts into a secret compartment inside the ash case.
You set the gilt-edged jet cards into a small compartment inside the ash case.
get: You pick up the jet-inset ivory dice from a small compartment inside the ash case and cup the dice in your hand.
You discreetly remove the black alum darts from a secret compartment inside the ash case.
You gather the gilt-edged jet cards from a small compartment inside the ash case.
description: a deck of gilt-edged jet cards
analyze: This item is a deck of cards that may be used to perform tricks or gamble with. It may be customized with a show description but long descriptions are not allowed. It must remain a deck of cards. This deck is currently locked and will utilize FOLD, CUT, PULL, and TURN. Perhaps a special merchant can unlock it for you.
fold: You shuffle a deck of gilt-edged jet cards idly in your hands and glance about with a bored expression.
cut: In an impressive show of dexterity, you cut a deck of gilt-edged jet cards in half one-handed.
pull: You rapidly shuffle a deck of gilt-edged jet cards a few times and draw the top card, revealing the Queen of clubs.
turn: Turning the cards over in both hands, you perform a dovetail shuffle. The cards cascade back into a single deck.
description: a pair of jet-inset ivory dice
analyze: You analyze your jet-inset ivory dice and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."
roll: You give the dice a good shake for luck and roll them on the floor.
The dice bounce a few times and come to rest on 5 and 5.
Dice remain on the ground so don't forget to pick them up.
shop: garmac's goods
a fractured milky amber crystal = bravery
a gold-flecked cinnabar crystal = haste
a reflective ultramarine crystal = spirit strike
a hollow smoky grey crystal = floating disk
a flat pure white crystal = strength (20 charges)
shop: smoke screen
description: an oblong silver brooch inset with deep-hued amethysts
analyze: This item can be opened to reveal a reflective surface you can gaze upon. It can be altered with a long description or a show description, but has to remain an item that can be separated into two halves that makes sense to hide a mirror in.
open: You depress a small button on the front of your silver brooch, causing the two halves to spring apart to reveal the reflective glass within.
gaze: You gaze fondly at yourself in your silver brooch... (shows your full description)
close: You pinch swiftly at either side of your silver brooch, causing the two halves to meet with a faint *click*.
items on the table are refillable drink containers, retains the flavor of the drink POUR'ed into it, 10 sips, not wearable.
Thanks for this thread Tei, useful info for those of us on the fence bout this.
welcome :)
shop: old farmhouse
description: an incarnadine watered silk satchel
look: The interior of the satchel is divided up into numerous cylindrical compartments, each just large enough to hold a single potion. The compartments are lined with soft black velvet to protect their contents.
put: You carefully tuck the golden brown draught into one of the compartments of your watered silk satchel.
get: You reach into your watered silk satchel and retrieve a copper-caged golden brown draught from one its compartments.
close: You snap your watered silk satchel closed and its clasp clicks into place.
open: With a flick of your wrist, you release the clasp on your watered silk satchel and it snaps open.
a copper-caged golden brown draught with a simple wax stopper = heals head injuries (20 sips)
a copper-caged milky white draught with a simple wax stopper = heals limb injuries (20 sips)
a copper-caged pale amber elixir with a simple wax stopper = heals limb injuries (20 sips) - scars?
a copper-caged honey brown draught with a simple wax stopper = heals nervous system injuries (20 sips)
a copper-caged dark ochre draught with a simple wax stopper = heals internal injuries (20 sips)
a copper-caged dark amber elixir with a simple wax stopper = heals eye injuries (20 sips)
a copper-caged pale honey draught with a simple wax stopper = ? (20 sips)
a copper-caged dark brown tonic with a simple wax stopper = adrenal surge (20 sips)
shop: the cover up
description: a hooded ebon-hued velvet robe
analyze: This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this cloak is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This robe is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
Your robe is not yet unlocked. Any merchant can unlock this to the next tier.
Available verbs: fold, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the ebon-hued robe for you or have its pockets deepened.
wear: In a single, fluid motion, you swing the ebon-hued robe around your body and onto your shoulders, settling in it comfortably. You abruptly fasten the blood red garnet clasp to secure your possessions from wandering hands.
fold: With a devious grin, you fold your arms across your chest and shrug your shoulders beneath your ebon-hued robe.
tickle: You tinker absentmindedly with the blood red garnet clasp on your ebon-hued robe, insinuating disinterest in your surroundings.
touch: You touch the ebon-hued robe's blood red garnet clasp but there are no associated memories that you can easily recall.
remove: You unfasten the blood red garnet clasp and remove your ebon-hued robe, glancing around expectantly. You lay the robe across your arm, somewhat annoyed. Where's a butler when you need one?
>whisper robe you are the chosen one...
You lower your head and whisper something profound into the ebon-hued robe's blood red garnet clasp, but you get the feeling that there's already a stored memory.
>touch robe
As you touch the ebon-hued robe's blood red garnet clasp, you are suddenly filled with memories of a distant past. The words flood your mind as you remember...
you are the chosen one...
added info:
- when cloak is given to someone else they are unable to read the message
- message can be over-written by someone else
Velvet seems like an odd material for a robe.