It might not be recognizing your skinweaponcontainer. If it's a scripted or hidden sheath, sloot doesn't like it.
What happens after it skins? Any code feedback?
Post your skin settings if you would.
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Under the "Resting" tab, input a number of 0 or above (like 5) in the mana space so that bigshot knows to stop when you get to a certain point, then it will run back to your "home" room.
You can change the spell settings to watch mana too....
711 target(m11) will cast 711 if you have over 11 mana. Otherwise, it won't use it until you do. You can set some of the others like that also so you can still plink away with 702 until you're down to you resting %.
I got it all sorted out. I changed my skinning weapon location to my vest and it works fine now, even when i'm in RT. And I asked about my attack commands on the lnet and got some help.
oh, that's good advice. how do i change it to 702 after 711 if there isn't enough mana to 711?
yeah, that's what i needed to do was add the (m11) or whatever mana was needed for each spell to get the script to recognize how much mana was needed. now it enters rest mode when i don't have enough mana.
one thing i'm having trouble with though. is go2. it doesn't recognize to move slowly during certain parts of the trek from icemule to pinefar. so if sloot tries to go to icemule from pinefar to sell things to the pawnshop i get lost somewhere in the middle of the trek on they way back to pinefar.
Unless there is a reason you want to use all those higher cost mana spells such as RP, or you just like blowing limbs off, I would simply: 702 target(xx) --- :shrug: Ran my sorcerer in Shattered all the way to post cap just using 702, no reason to kill your mana like that in my opinion, especially at lower levels. Just my two cents ...Quote:
(a) prep 708, cast at target left leg, incant 705 x2, incant 702 (xx)
(b) prep 708, cast at target right arm, incant 705 x2, incant 702 (xx)
(c) incant 711 (xx)
Go into the ;go2 settings and set how you want to deal with ice patches. I do not recall the syntax, but ;go2 help (*I think*) will provide how to deal with that, the options are something like; "run, auto, and ?walk?". Hope that helps.
Same thoughts here. Up to 50 so far with my Sorc using only 702 target(xx) and doing just fine. I added 708 target(x1), 702 target(xx) recently cause I like when limbs blow off and they start to grab at the critters or try to kick them in the head. It's fun to watch. No need for anything else unless, like FinisWolf said, you're looking to RP something. But it sounds like you're still lower level.
I could try that since it seems like bigshot gets a ton of casts in really quickly. but, i originally did it this way for because. legs to hinder them from cmaning me. arms to hinder them from casting boil on me. and 711 to put them in RT so they can't cman or boil me and they're immune to legging and stunning.
thank you for the info on go2. i think i got it fixed.