Darn right! ;rogues is hard coded to only work if you have ;tpick!
I tease of course. Did you happen to level to 15 in the same session as you got this error? Could be ;infomon didn't update yet.
Double darn right! The script is awesome.
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Darn right! ;rogues is hard coded to only work if you have ;tpick!
I tease of course. Did you happen to level to 15 in the same session as you got this error? Could be ;infomon didn't update yet.
Double darn right! The script is awesome.
Uploaded ;rogues version 4 which can now get you up to rank 40 in Lock Mastery. Also apparently some rooms are tagged differently in the various guilds, one brought to my attention is in some guilds the toolbenches are tagged "rogue guild toolbenchs" and in some they are tagged "rogue guild workshop." I have accounted for this for toolbenches but if there are more out there let me know and I can add'em to the script.
FYI this happened today for me, I got this while I was running Rogues on LMAS. It looks like it missed Lockpick enhancement and Disarm enhancement is near as I can tell and not sure why. I do not know those spells so it was not from me having them on naturally. It stopped running from that point but did not exit. I answered manually the correct answer and it re-engaged no issues. Just wanted to give you the heads up
[rogues]>lmaster sense
With a seasoned eye, you begin to examine both yourself and the area in an attempt to ascertain the current conditions for lockpicking...
After a thorough examination, you determine that you are in excellent shape, physically. As far as you can tell, the area around you is extremely bright.
[rogues]>spell active
You currently have the following active effects:
Spirit Warding I ........................ 03:02:29
Spirit Defense .......................... 00:52:29
Disease Resistance ...................... 03:02:29
Poison Resistance ....................... 03:02:29
Spirit Warding II ....................... 03:02:29
Water Walking ........................... 03:02:29
Spirit Shield ........................... 00:52:29
Purify Air .............................. 00:52:29
Elemental Defense I ..................... 03:02:29
Lock Pick Enhancement ................... 00:09:41
Disarm Enhancement ...................... 00:09:41
Elemental Defense II .................... 03:02:29
Elemental Defense III ................... 03:02:29
Thurfel's Ward .......................... 03:02:29
Strength ................................ 03:02:29
Natural Colors .......................... 03:02:29
Resist Elements ......................... 03:02:29
Mobility ................................ 03:02:29
Mass Blur ............................... 03:02:29
Foresight ............................... 03:02:29
Mindward ................................ 03:02:29
Mantle of Faith ......................... 00:52:29
Next Bounty ............................. 00:02:18
No buffs found.
No debuffs found.
[rogues]>say extremely bright
[A Dark Corner - - ] (u261061)
This dark corner is far enough away from the bustle of the courtyard to provide a little peace and quiet...perfect for reflection and training. You also see Master Footpad Bean.
Obvious paths: out
You say, "Extremely bright."
Bean says, "Sorry...try again."
I just had two more pop up where it missed Disarm Enhancement in both of those
This might be fixed now...?
I really don't think so but I changed the only thing I could think of that could have possibly been causing this.
Which version of Lich are you running? Which FE?
If this happens again can you start the log (if possible) from when you asked the footpad for training? Like starting from when it says "Bean pulls you aside for some instruction."
I am on the latest lich 5.4.2 and Wrayth. If it happens again I will grab the log from that point for you
Uploaded new version of ;rogues. It can now get you up to rank 50+ in lock mastery. All automatically! Also uploaded a new version of ;tpick with more ;rogues integration.
Uploaded new version of ;rogues to the repo. The script can now get you all the way to master in Lock Mastery! Woo! Only 1 task cannot be fully automated with this script and that is picking boxes in certain conditions, which I think you stop getting at around rank 6, so it all good.
Thank you to everyone who donated guild voucher tasks to the cause. I burned through most of them and they were a lot of help, I'm sure I'll burn through the rest of them mastering the rest of the skills so I can finally finish up ;rogue and make it the bestest script ever written in the history of the world.
Uploaded new version of ;rogues. This latest version can now master you in both Lock Mastery AND Stun Maneuvers.