I'm like 99% sure this is fixed now.
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Wondering...and if its a setting let me know please. When doing a trap on a box and i miss the first time, tpick then casts 404 and i try the trap again. Best i can tell it does not let me try it several times before it casts 404. Miss the first time and it casts.
When im picking, it looks like casting 403 is somewhat random. I have my lock roll set to 50. Thats when, per the setup, when it moves to a higher pick but you cant move to higher than vaalin so i thought if it rolled over a 50 and it did not open, then tpick should cast 403 for me but as per tonight, it does not seem to do that. Kind of radom.
What am i supposed to set to make tpick cast 403 for me when i need it?
Well now i say that and it worked like it was supposed to. Rolled a 95 and got no read so it 403'ed me and it opened. Ok what am i missing?
By "miss" the trap, do you mean you didn't see it and the script casts 404 and checks for traps again? Or do you mean you tried to disarm a trap but failed then the script casts 404?
When you're using a vaalin lockpick the script will then use your vaalin lock roll, it's basically the same as the regular lock roll setting but for when you're currently using a vaalin lockpick. If you have the latest version (I updated it with this feature a couple of nights ago) then when you roll higher than your vaalin lock roll setting and don't pick the lock then the script will use 403, if the script is using both a vaalin lock pick and 403 and you roll higher than your vaalin lock roll setting then the script will assume you can't pick the lock.
Also one more thing the script looks for: the first time you get the true lock difficulty (when you get the message like As you do, you get a sense that the .* has .* (-1000 thief-lingo difficulty ranking) the script reassess the best lockpick you should be using and starts from there, but if it sees this message again it will ignore it and still go by your lock roll and vaalin lock roll settings. This might be what you're seeing as well.
On the trap, lets say its a -250 and i roll like a 2 and miss it. Then it will 404 me. My disarm skill is 373 and the highest i can get with lore is 478 so if i get a 425 trap, tpick will 404 me automatically before i even try to disarm. Thats very nice.
If i get a level 100 box, i use vaalin automatically. I roll a 3 and nothing. Roll a 16 and nothing. Roll a 32 and nothing. Back to a 4 and nothing. Then i roll a 62 and i get no read. So then it should 403 me but it did not. So i killed the script and picked it on my own. It ended up being a lock near the top of my skill and i needed a 92 with lore to get it. Not sure tpick would have let me.
The next occasion i rolled a 95 and got no read. Then it 403'ed me and i got the lock.
Just seemed random.
So i set 403 in setup to 850 and as i read it, it sounded like if i get a lock thats at least -805, it will 403 automatically?
Also, when i get a platted lock, is there a way to not have it cast 403 and then 407? Can it just do 407 on its own? Does 403 actually help 407?
Yeah I think I erred on the side of caution with traps and made it cast 404 after not disarming it on the first try.
Do you have the latest version? What do you have for your "vaalin lock roll" setting?
If you get a lock that's at least 850 it would cast 403 yes.
According to the Wiki 403 helps with 407, although reading it again it looks like just the very first cast of 407 after casting 403, which is weird.
I do have the latest version i believe and my vaalin roll is at 50
Oh yeah that's right, it has always worked like that. The way it's phrased on the Wiki makes it sound like you keep 403 but you don't get the benefit, which is why I was confused.
Next time you're using a vaalin lockpick and you roll over a 50 and the script doesn't cast 403 can you copy and paste a log? Preferably from when you first started working on the box to when the box was opened or at least until you rolled over a 50. That would help a lot.
The worker says, "Ah, here we are. The client is offering a tip of 383 silvers and mentioned it being from a triton combatant (level 98). The coffer is set up on the table for you. When you're finished, ASK me to CHECK your work."
[tpick]>look on #133086
On the wooden table you see a mithril Mustafo's coffer and Pukk's chest.
[tpick: Found your box/plinite! Name: coffer, ID: 100267214, tip: 383, critter name: triton combatant, critter level: 98]
[tpick: Checking for traps.]
[tpick]>disarm #100267214
You carefully begin to examine a mithril Mustafo's coffer for traps...
You discover no traps.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[tpick: No trap found.]
[tpick: Critter level is 98, using a vaalin lockpick based on your settings.]
[tpick]>get #99678245
You remove a diamond-edged black vaalin lockpick from in your cloak.
[tpick: Attempting to pick lock.]
[tpick]>pick #100267214
You settle into the difficult task of picking the lock.
You make a pathetic attempt (d100=6).
You are not able to pick the lock, and learn little about it.
Roundtime: 19 sec.
[tpick: You rolled: 6, your Lock Roll setting: 50. Trying same pick again]
[tpick: Attempting to pick lock.]
[tpick]>pick #100267214
You settle into the difficult task of picking the lock.
You make an adequate attempt (d100=51).
You are not able to pick the lock, and learn little about it.
Roundtime: 19 sec.
[tpick: You rolled: 51, your Lock Roll setting: 50. Trying same pick again]
[tpick: Attempting to pick lock.]
[tpick]>pick #100267214
You settle into the difficult task of picking the lock.
You make a miserable attempt (d100=14).
You are not able to pick the lock, and learn little about it.
Roundtime: 19 sec.
[tpick: You rolled: 14, your Lock Roll setting: 50. Trying same pick again]
[tpick: Attempting to pick lock.]
[tpick]>pick #100267214
You settle into the difficult task of picking the lock.
You make a competent attempt (d100=67).
Your lockpick gets stuck in the lock! You carefully try to work it free, but it may have been weakened by the stress.
Roundtime: 19 sec.
[tpick: This pick doesn't seem to be cutting it, going to try a different one.]
[tpick]>put #99678245 in #99678244
You put a diamond-edged black vaalin lockpick in your cloak.
Get what?
Get what?
Get what?
[tpick: Can't open this plated box because it is mithril or enruned or because your settings are set to not use 407 to open boxes.]
[tpick]>ask #133085 to check
The worker says, "You should finish the coffer first. If you want to give up, ASK me to CHECK it again within 30 seconds."
[tpick]>ask #133085 to check
The worker says, "Too tough for ya, eh? Alright, we'll let someone else have a crack at it."
[tpick]>ask #133085 for job
But i do use 407 when i get a plated lock so not sure why it didnt let me.