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Did you know there was a black man in the KKK in the '90s? Not Clayton Bigsby or whatever, but a real dude. Saw it at the end of an HBO special about the KKK that aired in the '90s. Do you think he just sat around and hated himself all day?
How does a screenshot of some HuffPo writer being racist = poorly created fake outrage meme? For one, that's not even a meme. It's literally a screenshot of a tweet and someone's response to said tweet. Perhaps you should look up what a meme is, since you're clearly ignorant on the matter.
Aside from that though, does white supremacy not outrage you? If white supremacy does outrage you, then why does this instance of Kimberley Johnson being racist not outrage you? Perhaps you should change your sig then to "Embrace white supremacy."
PS: Everyone cuts turds. If you don't, you should see a doctor.
Back is a closet white supremacist posing as a SJW. Kind of like the guy leading the charge against pedophiles usually turns out to be a pedophile himself.
Back, stop embracing white supremacy.
There you go again trying to hard. I swear there isn't a day that goes by that you don't mention me here, if not twice or more. Didn't know you cared so much. Stop trying so hard. Stop being creepy. Change your diaper. Have a nice day.