Some dogs are just bad. They need to be put down. She showed poor judgment in deciding to publish it.
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Some dogs are just bad. They need to be put down. She showed poor judgment in deciding to publish it.
I wouldn’t go that far. To each their own for life choices. If anything they could further increase the child tax credit. Besides, everyone is going to be denied Social Security or they will raise the age of benefits to 90 years old in the near future once it becomes insolvent.
This dog was literally just untrained, and she lost her mind because she didn't "learn from the other dogs" on her first hunting trip and instead, according to her own words, was running around having the time of her life.
You're just retarded.Quote:
According to the governor, Cricket didn’t so much hunt as have “the time of her life” chasing birds and going “out of her mind with excitement.”
Even the police didn't execute this dog for sucking at the job they decided on for him.
Sure, just as long as any taxes that are paid don't go towards schools for other peoples' kids.
What's the "NK" stand for and how is Social Security structured?
Couples with children don't have duel incomes?
Adults that are capable of having children, and choose not to, should absolutely be the last in line, for everything. They're not even worth the oxygen they breath,
Dogs are property. Hunting dogs are tools, not pets. This tool was no good at her job. She killed other people's chickens and tried to bite a person. When we remember Cricket, we won't think of her happily chasing birds; instead, we will lament her inability or unwillingness to live up to her domesticated genetic imperative of obedience. With AI and genetic editing technology, we should be able to design more compliant tools or, failing that, replace all of them with robots -- preferably with flamethrowers.
Best of luck with all that.
See what I mean with speaking in absolutes? You sound like most of the things you claim to be against.Quote:
They're not even worth the oxygen they breath,
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a deep breath of some Grade A top shelf air.
Breath is a noun btw, not a verb.