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Oh bullshit. Most everyone can breathe with a mask on. They reduce areosol which the virus uses to spread. If people have medical issues then sure they ought not to but then those folks should stay home. There is no debate on the science. Or common sense which people are so fond of bringing up in arguments. This virus is deadly, contageious, and we have to take drastic steps if we don't want a total collapse of society.
I fear its too late to stop the spread of stupidity. Your one term boy spread so much its nearly torn our nation apart. Like lying about election results or how covid is a hoax by the democrats. Stop the spread of stupid and wear a mask.
There's no common sense in any of this. Masks don't do anything.
Please tell me why it's ok to take off your mask when you sit down at a table in a restaurant?
Now we're being told we need double-mask to stay safe.
All this for the .01% chance you'll die from this thing.
Because the US has been the most transparent with its numbers and classifications (although there are still issues with even that).
Please use common sense. Right now if you were to take these numbers at face value it puts the fatality rate at 1.7%; however, common sense would tell you two things here:
1) More people have the virus than the 27MM cases
2) Classification of covid deaths is likely overstated (i.e. death as a complication of covid but not covid in and of itself)
Common sense would tell you that the freak out over all of this, double masks and all, is an incredible exaggeration. But then again, you don't have any common sense at all whatsoever. You're literally one of the many morons out there that is perfectly fine going into a restaurant and sitting down at a table with your mask off, breathing in the same air as the other people in the room as you, and then feeling "protected" putting your mask on when you stand back up, walk through the room to the door and back out to your car.