Can confirm it does flash Trump then the correct translation. Feels like a lawsuit to me.
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Can confirm it does flash Trump then the correct translation. Feels like a lawsuit to me.
This is from my phone earlier. Took 4 tries.
Can't embed because mp4.
Apple has acknowledged it and said they're working on a "fix," I guess acting like this is just some random glitch, which Back will believe, but no one else will.
He did well on SNL after Pete Davidson had to apologize. It's hard to politicians to pull off a good performance on that show, but he nailed it..
Apple be like:
This is one of those stories where I was thinking "No way this is real. It's way too crazy." So I tested it on my iPhone and sure enough, 100% real. It doesn't happen every time you say the word "racist", at least not for me, I say it was happening about 10-20% of the time.
I will give Apple the benefit of the doubt in the sense that I'm sure no one of any importance had anything to do with this, it was probably some low level butt hurt rogue employee, but Apple up here acting like this is just some sort of "bug." No way in hell. This was absolutely intentional.
I would be willing to give Apple the benefit of the doubt again if Trump and racist sounded similar at all, and with Trump being talked about a lot these days I could see there being some sort of algorithm built in where it might automatically suggest a word that is being a used a lot lately IF the words sounded similar. But Trump and racist aren't even close to being the same.
Trump - 1 syllable
Racist - 2 syllables
The words only share 2 letters, but the T is at the beginning of Trump and at the end of Racist. Literally the only somewhat commonality between the two words is the letter R is near the beginning of each word, but there is no way in hell this is happening because of that, if that were the case then every word that has the letter R at the beginning of the word should be suggesting "Trump" first.