I hear that Ozempic makes peple shit all day like with the intensity of that dude on Dumb and Dumber.
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He has a name.
His name is Harry Dunne.
Stop being so disrespectful.
Because you want to harp on what is and isn’t medically necessary when you don’t know shit even after it’s been explained to you more than once, that’s why. Why are you such a willfully ignorant fuck about it? Oh, right, because you get to feel all morally superior in your own mind.
Now, let me help you here with some simple facts. You stop booze and once past any DTs, you are physiologically past the addiction in 21 days or so, the rest is mental. Stop narcotics and the same thing is true. For food addiction, which is the root of narcotic addiction since it’s triggering the same chemicals in the brain that simply isn’t the case.
Food addiction is worse for a simple and straight forward, though somewhat subtle, reason.
You always have to eat something, in some way. For the rest of your life, you must always consume the subject of your addiction or you die.
Stop cigarettes, heroin, pot, cocaine, meth, gambling, porn, any other addiction, past detox, you won’t die. Stop eating and see what happens. Now add in the fact that the entirety of human culture is built around eating and the constant advertising for it. You can argue all you want, the immutable fact is, no food consumption and you die. Stop smoking and you can almost completely avoid the subject of your addiction, me, I have to consume pretty pretty much every day.
Ozympic is some nasty shit, horrid side effects, you aren't supposed to be on it more than a year and the percentage of people with crippling after effects like paralyzed stomachs is much higher than they lead people to believe. And now with foreign import and black-market versions, a whole lot of people are going to get hurt from it and the others.
The long and short of it is, I don't care about your sympathy, I would like you to become more educated and perhaps gain a little insight into how others in your own life might be getting on with things as well as perhaps help someone, somewhere, that is trying to change and is suffering to keep at it one more day.
This thought just randomly flashed in my mind the other day.
Remember when the left was laughing at Bloomberg for spending 500 million dollars on ads and still lost? I wonder why no one on the left has pointed out that Harris spent over 1 billion dollars on her campaign and still lost.
At least a bunch of leftists this time around didn't say she could have instead given every American citizen 3 million dollars instead of spending a billion dollars on her failed campaign.
Elon and the tech bro's just found out that MAGA is indeed, not a cult. They discovered that MAGA has an army of 20 million armed men that are really pissed off.
Elon is having a very difficult time adjusting to being the employee and not the one making the rules.