Why are you still using digital black text you fucking bigot!!!!!!!!!!!
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Know what else is racist? Every LGBT person in the universe. They claim to be diverse and use a rainbow as their symbol but do you ever see rainbows with black or brown? No you fucking don't!
The fuck (wo)man?
Holy shit this is really a thing. At least among idiots.
Yeah I watched that. It's retarded.
There's still hope for the universe.
well she was obviously racist.
I am ONLY using black emojis from this day forward on my phone.
yo yo hold the fuck up bitches you niggas best not be droppin no analog without giving me my props for being the most badass Hollywood thug motherfucker this side of the Dragonspine and on the other side too that made the RX-7 relevant because those things were pieces of shit until I rolled up in that place and said yo if you guys make this car start being awesome I'll start giving your mom and your sister all the dick they want and all the workers were like fuck yeah let's do this and everyone got super hype and started working 7 12s and shit to get it done just so they could have the honor of saying that their moms and/or sisters have had my big Hollywood thug life dick in them.
I bet you stupid dumbasses don't even know that the word analog originates from me ramming all your moms and sisters right in their asses with the legendary Seanylog which btw that means my dick for some of you slower idiots so really my name means Seany Ifuckyourmomandsistersintheirasswithmygiantdickrod but I was feeling extra nice that day from all the chicks I banged so I abbreviated it to Seany Analog so you idiots could spell it right without having to ask your sister over and over like she'd know anyway she's just as dumb as you all are but with a use.
Digital blackface my ballhair shavings, what about people using digital analog this is some fucking bullshit but you know what it's still ok because I'll still be big time running the streets and calling the shots high rollin while you dumb fucks who are jealous of everything about me bag groceries 40 hours a week so you can buy Simucoins and play inside your stupid text dollhouse.
Know who else is fucking stupid? Whoever came up with Simucoins for being really that fucking stupid that they didn't know calling them Seanycoins would increase their sales by at least 864 quadrillion % even after paying me royalties for the privilege of using my name on their piece of shit fake money. If these dumb assholes weren't dumb assholes they would have gotten into the vending machine business like me where people buy shit from me all the time while I'm in the club banging like 13 chicks at a time holy fuck it must suck to not be me unless you're one of the bitches getting plowed by me but that goes without saying but what doesn't go without saying is I rule and you suck actually it does.