Is Raskin the one who lied about being in the military?
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The Democrat who thinks an island can capsize by having too many people on it is still in office over a decade after he made that dumb comment.
Coming from the party whose nominating a 34 count felon facing three more felony cases.. a guy mind you who forgets his own wife's name on the regular? K. Pot. Kettle. Black.
Remember the gender confused guy, deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy, who kept wearing women's clothing he stole from luggage returns?
Literally zero people with a fully functional brain take any of these "34 felonies" seriously that you've been instructed to include in every sentence you make by your TV overlords.
Keep prancing around your arrogance though, it will only make your November meltdown that much better.
Probably wouldn't hurt you to take a shower and get a job too and quit being a welfare queen.
Leave Biden out of this.Quote:
a guy mind you who forgets his own wife's name on the regular?
It must be an election year and illegal immigration must be on voter minds...
Remember when sErAn type level retards were blaming Republicans for not passing that bullshit "immigration" bill?
Talk about closing the barn door after the horses are out. And that's assuming this isn't super watered down, which it probably is.
In before Seran tells us what a fantastic and insightful president Biden is and that he's the best president ever when it comes to border security and is like
This was all done on purpose. Most illegals go to blue cities in blue states and the census counts them when they figure out number of House members and Electoral College votes a state gets.
End that practice and you'll see illegal immigration suddenly doesn't become a problem anymore because the Democrats can't traffic illegals for power and money anymore.