He's already dumped 80 million dollars helping Ukraine. I know that doesn't reach the amount of help you've given by putting a Ukraine flag in your Twitter profile.
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Why is it up to Elon Musk, a private citizen, to help Ukraine wage war? How does this even make sense?
If you Democrats are that worried about helping Ukraine retake some of their land, then demand your dementia riddled mental patient you call a president to help.
Because he's accepting government help to do so. Tax credits, grants, etc. Elon Musk is being subsidized by the taxpayers and so owes do diligence to not work against their interest: Stoking further unrest in Ukraine.
First of all Musky didn't do any of of this as a private citizen, the corporation Starlink took these actions. Starlink is funded by Tesla stock. Tesla is publicly listed and is bound to act in the best interest of its shareholders.
Elon Musk hasn't donated /anything/ to Ukraine. He receives funding from the federal government for part of the cost and Ukraine also entered into an agreement to purchase equipment Musky claims to have to be out 80M.
Furthermore, Ukraine /has/ the equipment. Blocking access to the Starlink network in Crimea is an unjustifiable interference in a foreign conflict on behalf of belligerent Putin.
I can almost guarantee you are being "subsidized" by taxpayers in one way or another, so exactly how are you helping Ukraine wage war against Russia? You know, besides bitching here on the PC and changing your avatar to the Ukrainian flag on all of your social media.
The federal government literally owes more money to Tesla and SpaceX than what Elon has received in subsidies, by far.
Post some more flags, douchenozzle.Quote:
This is why, when NASA Administrator Bill Nelson (himself a former senator) told a Senate subcommittee last month that price competition from SpaceX helped save taxpayers $40 billion on the cost of military space launches, well, as an investor that got my attention right away.