Russia is actually hurting quite a bit.
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You keep conflating things. There's a big difference between not wanting to be under Russia's thumb and starting a war with them. Georgia isn't sitting there saying, "oh cool, it's our chance to conquer Russia!" Don't be so deliberately obtuse.
By the way, the Ukraine didn't start a war with Russia.
And China will be able to set the price, not Russia. They are only selling to like, two countries now, as opposed to the dozens they had before. India and China, however, can always tell Rusia their prices are too high and buy from somewhere else.
It is NEVER a good thing for business when your customer base shrinks.
That's exactly what Alfster said might happen! He's the one who said Georgia is looking to go to war with Russia now because of Ukraine.
No shit, which is why I said:
Context! How does it work?!
The population of China and India is over 6 times that of the entire EU, those two countries alone are a much larger market than all of the EU.
And sure China and India can tell Russia their prices are too high, but why would they? They are already getting Russian energy for a discount compared to the current market rate, what is China and India going to do? Stop buying cheap Russian energy and buy more expensive energy on the world market and pay more to have it shipped to their country?
It's apparently not an easy thing to do to get alternate sources of energy, otherwise the EU would have told Russia to fuck off and simply bought more from other sources rather than tell their citizens to stop using so much electricity and gas.
And prior to this they also sold gas to them AND the EU member nations. Russia is stuck selling to ONLY those two countries, but India and China can always buy anywhere they want. Again, losing customers is never good. Russia is basically becoming a puppet of India and China.. .Two countries that don't really even like each other and have small engagements often enough. You know how much it'll fuck up Russia if China and India decide to have a larger conflict? They'll both take exception to the other one getting natural gas from Russia.
Putin orders partial mobilization.....
"Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the partial mobilization of his country’s military Wednesday, calling up reservists in a significant escalation of his war in Ukraine after battlefield setbacks left the Kremlin facing growing pressure to act."
"Speaking after him, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said an initial 300,000 reservists would be called up."