If those notes were actually sent to Nikki by real people, which I doubt to be true, we can confidently make certain assumptions about these folks:
Mary A has purple hair.
Michael B receives his dietary protein exclusively from soy.
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The legal mind of your average nut job Conservative. I'm sure any one of these individuals could pose as a lawyer for Trump.
They weren't sent at all, nor were they made by real people. One of them is an email they typed up themselves and screenshotted, but were too stupid to press the SEND button first, and the other is a font called Bees Burts that I guess is supposed to look handwritten :rofl:
Meanwhile in the comments...
Oh yeah, I got it. I’m just saying that even if those were real notes from real people, which they are clearly not, what kind of person would write something like that? Just taking the context of the letter alone: “WE NEED you Nikki! This country NEEDS you. Our allies, and the beautiful people of this world need you!”, that is a batshit crazy thing to write. That imaginary person has no business voting in a Republican primary. :rofl:
LOL @ Matt Walsh. That’s hilarious.
You guys are just picking on her because she's brown.
Biden tells crowd he recently met with Mitterrand, former French president who died in 1996
Went to log into my email and saw this article at the top. I usually don't bother with yahoo (so much dribble and rehashed shit from them), but this one caught my eye. HAHAHAHA.
When you're having troubles associating current short term memory and instead recalling memories from years ago as being a current memory.....that kind of looks like Alzheimer's to me. More slip ups and gaffes from this guy every passing day and dems are still trying to push him for re-election?
CNN is melting down over Tucker interviewing Putin and are calling him a "Putin supporter" now, so Seran should start parroting that same line any minute.