Lol.. you think 2020 was something? Watch what happens in 2024... Biden will somehow magically have close to 90m votes...
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More fun stuff from the Neo-Fascist Left highlighted by the ever emotive and gesticulatory Russell Brand.
You can't make this shit up . . .
My lesbian mothers want ME to be their surrogate so they can have another child - is it wrong that I'm disgusted by the idea?
Remember... it's all a "conspiracy theory"... you racist, bigot, woman hating, mansplaining, MAGA mouthbreather.
Long live the CHOP!!
Chop > CHOP
We've been trying to tell those fanatical "lefties"... they'll come for you eventually. They're all just useful idiots to the powers that be. But hey... Orange man bad, "insertwhateverismyouwillhere" to complain about, etc. etc.
Here's to hoping people wake up... but sadly, it's already to late.