You're both wrong.
I bet he plays a female empath that sits in TSC all day, is OOC all the time and tries to impose his will on everyone.
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Seran spins around a wooden sign staked in the ground.
Seran taps a wooden sign.
Seran says “It’s just going to ask you a few questions.”
>read sign
The wooden sign states:
Would you like to leave a tip?
Suggested amounts
1 silver = Yo mama so poor she can’t buy a broadsword.
100 silvers = You are a cheap bastard.
1,000 silvers = You are a mediocre elf.
10,000 silvers = Now you’re really saying thank you.
Believe me, I think they should all get drug by their hair off the highways when they do shit like this. The attempts to destroy works of art should also be severely punished. But I think every day citizens should do it, and then the police arrest the people obstructing traffic. I believe that ranger is off the reservation, so nothing will likely happen to him, but if he were regular LEO, lawsuits and fines incoming.
100% chance that the cow shit is an improvement for them.
That's a disappointing attempt at a call out paired with the usual insults, any particular reason for it, or do you honestly prefer antagonistic responses? I'd hate to think that my view of the importance of law enforcement civilized society I shared above was so boring you felt the need to try and bait me into a flame war.
That’s fair and I deserve an antagonistic response, but to answer your question I’m being sincere. Sometimes it’s like you can be perfectly rational & dare I say pleasant to engage in conversation, but a lot of times your responses to things are incredibly stupid and/or morally repulsive. I’ve ruled out you being the greatest troll of all time. So my next thought is you could have a serious mental handicap, and if you did I’d really feel like a piece of shit for insulting you (in jest). Do you have Asperger’s? Because if you do, I’ll sincerely try to be more patient &..try my best to refrain from insulting you. This is not a flame war and I mean no disrespect in this post.
My job affords me the luxury of not taking written or spoken feedback personally, only the need to incorporate the constructive feedback into a better product. 7 of 10 or so posts in this sub forum are conspiracies or low effort attacks on policies people are deliberately misinterpreting. For new folks, I make honest attempts to clarify perceived misconceptions. For the repeat offenders, ridicule as befitting the subject. Why? The first because I hold out hope some folks honestly just need to be shown the light, the second because some people need a swift kick in the ass to remind them about their ignorance.
Generally speaking, I try to avoid unprovoked mean-spirited posts. Where I fail, and don't blame your tag as morally repulsive are my attacks on policies which are thinly veiled attempts to use narrow religious views to take away rights or to persecute minorities. Yes it's repugnant, but so is the topic from my POV. If the right and far right took the stance of Nikki Haley and said, "These are our beliefs, but our beliefs shouldn't dictate the absolute removal of bodily autonomy of women. A compromise removing late term abortions aside from those medically necessary would be in the best interest of the country and reversing our declining birth rates., " we'd be in a great place.
I fail to understand how anything you’ve stated can relate to a mental illness? There are literally tens of thousands of people that believe Trump is the current sitting president, yet they are completely normal outside of this scope of crazy. They are just easily manipulated.
Not agreeing, understanding, something you believe to be repulsive or you thinking something is stupid doesn’t translate to a mental illness. Some people here resort to non stop attacks that are at a level of a 10 year old child that are extremely repulsive and stupid, are they also mentally handicapped?