Only your spin would ignore 34 indictments and move the goalposts so thoroughly that it's now firmly planted in Bizzaro World.
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Joe Biden doesn’t have to have a direct deposit from a Ukrainian bank account to benefit. If you were 80 years old and could do something that would make your family $20 million, would that be of interest to you?
First he lied about having any knowledge of Hunter’s business dealings. Evidence and testimony proved that to be absolutely false. Next we were fed the lie that he never met with any of Hunter’s clients. We learned that the Big Guy was on phone calls and dined with those people. You guys keep moving the goal posts by now saying “oh he didn’t do anything wrong unless you can prove money was deposited into his personal bank account.” Joe Biden is a corrupt career politician and the head of a family crime syndicate.
1:17 is the equivalent of Solkern's argument.