Feinstein legit looks undead at this point.
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Feinstein legit looks undead at this point.
She is not far from looking like The Mountain post death in GOT.
Hey Seran... want to see what I'm talking about?
"An illicit, Chinese-owned lab fueled conspiracy theories. But officials say it posed no danger"
"During a March inspection of the lab in Reedley, a city of about 25,000 people some 200 miles (320 kilometers) southeast of San Francisco, officials did find infectious agents in the refrigerators including E. coli, coronavirus, malaria, hepatitis B and C, dengue, chlamydia, human herpes, rubella and HIV."
Now... what's the "official statement" from out Government?
"But the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said there was no sign that the lab was illegally in possession of the materials or had select agents or toxins that could be used as bioweapons. CDC has taken no further action in this matter,” the agency said in an email to The Associated Press, referring further questions to county and state officials.
Don't believe your lying eyes... Nothing to see here.
Want to know what's the real issue?
"“What’s frustrating is that we’re focusing on these myths, bioengineered weapons and stuff like that, rather than the real issue, the lack of regulation of these private labs,” Harper said."
Let that logic sink in...
But hey... it's all just a "conspiracy" and a "myth"... No big deal.
You quoted an article which points out that people like you (mostly Republican) spun a bunch of baseless conspiracies that were demonstrated to be false. Were you posting this to point out how wrong your type usually is about 'out government' as you put it?
Hahn found they had not been injected with any infectious agent and were simply used to grow COVID-19 antibody cells to make testing kits. She also determined they were not subjected to experimentation, Harper said.
And after California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control checked the air and water and found no threat, she decided to heed that advice.
Despite the fact it was found there was no criminal activity and no evidence of a threat to public health or national security despite the misguided claims of an underpaid staffer in a small town within a VERY Republican part of the central valley of California, Kevin McCarthy felt it appropriate to keep the conspiracy mill running with the following:Quote:
But the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said there was no sign that the lab was illegally in possession of the materials or had select agents or toxins that could be used as bioweapons.
This is why your party gets nothing accomplished you know. Too busy chasing baseless, stupid conspiracy theories you've engineered to make your base terrified of the thought of voting anything BUT Republican. Nothing like a good conspiracy theory to frighten your constituents away from finding out just how poor a leader you are. :) Pretty sure Donald Trump coined that.Quote:
Last week House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican who represents a Congressional district neighboring Reedley’s, said during a visit to a nearby town that he plans to raise concerns over the “very disturbing” case with colleagues on the Select Committee on China and follow up with the FBI.
“My concern is to get to the bottom of what happened here but to also look at where this is happening in other parts of this country as well,” McCarthy said.
You are seriously the dumbest son of a bitch I think I've ever met.
You simply wouldn't be you if you didn't completely overlook the fact the article was pointing out the conspiracy theories were false and there was no criminal wrongdoing found. That is why I helpfully extracted those quotes from the very same article you linked in order to help you see that your schizophrenia or psychosis you're clearly not getting treatment for made you infer something false from it.
Dealing with your stupidity is truly tiring. If some Ebola get's dropped off at your house, be sure not to complain or report it. It's perfectly safe for you to put in your cereal.
The committee, led by Chairman James Comer, said in the report that it plans to continue to investigate Biden to find evidence of corruption, even as it acknowledged that it had no evidence that he financially benefited from the myriad foreign business dealings of his son Hunter.
Lol, but but but Joe Biden made millions in Ukraine!!
If our government wanted to, we could easily get to the bottom of this. The IRS and FBI have divisions of forensic accountants that do this type of work every day.
Problem is: our government already knows about it and getting to the bottom of this would implicate them as well.