Oh, I know. I was trying to fill him with self confidence... hoping we would have a non-retarded breakthrough.
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Taxes are a necessity for basic functions of government. I’m not an anarchist. That being said, paying taxes does suck.
We’re at a point of agreeing to disagree on a flat tax being regressive. It simply isn’t because that is not how math works, but whatever.
For me what is way more of an important measurement than income/wealth inequality is the quality of life particularly for the the lower class. Yes it is true that we have had a growing wealth gap since Regan, but take a moment to look at the standard of living of the lower class. I’m not saying it is perfect by a long shot, but today even homeless people are walking around with super computers (smart phones) in their pocket. You believe, because you are inherently Marxist, that building wealth is a zero sum game of war between the classes. I believe that we can improve the quality of life of every American, and we don’t have to rob from each other to achieve that goal.
Bahaha, so you finally caught on to your mistake after how many hours? You posted "Here's a picture of what group paid what percentage of the taxes:" and linked a chart listing the average marginal tax rate by bracket. Who finally pointed out your retardation to you?
The correct chart you are looking for, and I'll even use your very own preferred website:
The top 1% of earners in this country who make 22.2% of adjusted gross income in this country account for 42.3% of taxes collected. This is a growing trend of wealth concentration year over year which your party and SP want to enrich further by setting a flat tax to ensure they keep a higher percentage of their annual income, while driving into poverty the bottom 50%. Real keen idea there trying to recreate an aristocracy.
So.. after an entire day of screaming and putting your fingers in your ears.. you FINALLY came to the same number.
I want to thank you for once again being the dumbest person in every thread you posted in yesterday. Highly entertaining watching you wail about like the retard you are.
never been accused of being smart and shit.. but that looks like it's pretty proportional to me.
well except the orange group... and as mentioned the bottom half of the bar gets alternative government help..
Why are you this stupid?
The bottom 50% pay only 3.1% of taxes. That means the top 50% pay the other 96.9%.
Are you really this dense? Holy shit.
Let's try again, but with bright colors:
Notice how the part that says "Bottom 50%" shows they're only paying 3.1%?
That means there's 96.9% left for the "Top 50%," and 96.9 + 3.1 = 100.
Fucking idiot.
100% chance that Seran will be telling us about how Biden cured cancer going forward.
You are scaring him! Those bars are mean and blue which is obviously some white supremacist stuff.
Here, let's use this: