pm'd. j/k
edit: maybe
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You could even get creative and use verbs that could be viewed as verbs you would use during fapping but are otherwise harmless so you don't get in trouble with the GMs. Then the script could use one of these verbs randomly every X seconds.
Then just add your own verbs/says/yells to the "fap" variable.Code:fap = [ "groan", "moan", "pant", "shout", "say SHAZAM!" ]
put "#{fap[rand(fap.length)]}"
sleep 5
735 - tells you if anything is messed up before casting
925 - same as above for enchanting
Is there a script on the repo for wizards to do a full spellup on others?
There's a novel script that most everyone has... I believe it's called Waggle...
For reference... ;waggle (target) spells up that person with everything you can do (and have enabled), excluding group spells (you'd have to do blurs separately)
Also, Thanks to tillmen showing me this trick several years ago, there's some other cool things you can do:
;alias add awesomegroupwagglealiasname=;eq cast 515; start_script 'waggle', [ '--spell-list=401,406,503,509', '--start-at=60' ].concat(checkpcs)
You can modify it any manner you like... I have two of them set up, one to give one-cast of everything to everyone in the room, the other to do a complete spellup of everyone in the room. One I use primarily in preparation for invasions, the other I use whenever I just have a lot of people who want spells.
Just thought since I saw this thread I'd post up the scripts I use regularly...
;plat_updater <-- Chance are I won't be needing this after I do some updates to the database
;herbheal (and by proxy ;useherbs)
(active, occasionally)
Past that, I'm not sure I use much else. I think I do everything else by hand.
you can now ;krakii (herb) for any icemule, pinefar or teras herb to see what it does (because I can never remember). I'll add the others maybe this weekend, maybe next month
Is there a script out there that lets you enter in an area (head, neck, etc.) and then tells you the herbs for it? I can never remember most of the non-standard herbs.
I know ;useherbs lists everything, but it's all in random order and displays everything at once with no line spacing, making it kind of annoying to find what you're looking for in the pseudo wall of text it displays.
If I knew how to script worth a shit, I'd do it something like:
;herb head2 (or head3)
<displays r2/3 head herbs>
;herb headscar3
<displays major head scar herbs for all towns>
Or possibly just town specific...
;herb nervescar2 Teras
<displays major nerve scar herb for Teras>
Lich has spoiled me too much.