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The problem with people like takesintheBACKdoor don't understand that the government is a business and needs to be ran like one. It can't be left to run unchecked like it has been otherwise it will fail.
When a company hits hard times and they're trying to stay in the black they start doing things to reduce overhead costs, such as:
1) Eliminating overtime
2) Reducing hours
3) Dropping temp/part time workers
4) Letting full time employees go
....and the list goes on.
What rarely happens with the government is this, getting rid of the excess waste to help keep things within budget. Does it suck that people lose their jobs? Sure, it's happened to almost everyone at some point so many of us know what it's like and it sucks.
I know waste happens in the government:
I have friends from across all military branches and they all have the same story about how the end of year review for budget is coming up so they're instructed by their COs to use/waste supplies so they can put it in the books that they used up their budget. Upon doing this they get to keep the same budget they had the year before or get it increased (it's usually the latter) so they can get all new supplies. When the next yearly budget review is coming up it's the same thing; use/waste supplies so they get their budget renewed or expanded. Rinse and repeat over and over again. They tell me they'd spend days doing "target practice" to go through all the ammo, firing off thousands and thousands of rounds....
If this is just one small section of the government that's just going on about wasting stuff to keep or increase their budgets, this mentality is clearly running rampant through other (if not all) bodies of the government. There needs to be a culling and no one here gives a shit about BACKdooringmen and how he fells about it. If he's too fucking dumb to understand it all you can do is point and laugh at the retard, then after a good laugh you just ignore the fucking idiot and watch him meltdown.