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Are you trying to make a point or just trying to show everyone how stupid you are? I'm laughing at a bunch of idiots getting bent out of shape over marketing on a videogame and you're trying to project your insecurities.
Except for the part where you ignored the marketing part and just stated that "it's because it's a game about killing Nazis" even though nobody has ever given a fuck about this franchise being about killing Nazis. The "problem" this time around is some people who are just as retarded as you, just with different political beliefs, decided that the "Make America Nazi free again" slogan is a stab at their god emperor Trump implying that he's a Nazi.
But feel free to show me anything indicating that it's simply "because the game is about killing Nazis" without the "Make America Nazi free" part being involved as to why these dumbasses think it's them calling Trump a Nazi.
Wow, dude... lay off the fucking drugs already.
Are we supposed to write up an in-depth analysis on the things we find funny? Why do you care what I find funny, you're not even me. Go project your insecurities on someone that gives a fuck.