Obviously we need bigger stickers designating schools as gun free zone, or perhaps a ‘glasses for killers’ program so they can read the sign? I don’t know why these things keep happening in places where the intended victims are totally defenseless.
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Red flag laws means a neighbor reports on someone else to the government, and then the government can seize firearms first without any burden of proof or trial in which the suspected person has an opportunity to answer the charges. I don’t see a way that can be implemented with due process as it wouldn’t be a red flag law any longer.
Our government should not be allowed to simply take someone’s property, without a warrant or being able to answer charges of a crime, simply because someone reported them to authorities. That is some USSR level KGB shit. Can you imagine how often someone like Seran would call the FBI to report on suspicious behavior simply because he doesn’t like them?
"shall not be infringed"
Makes a list of ways to infringe.
"loyalty test"
So, if you were not loyal to King George you couldn't own a weapon?
"Red flag laws but with right to counsel"
Basically, if you're poor you will never own a gun.
There's no conversation that can be had with people that want to disarm you if you don't pledge loyalty.
They're also happening in places where people aren't totally defenseless, as in Uvalde. Armed police officer could have stopped it. The police officers who waited outside for almost an hour could have stopped it. You're trying to equate having guns with protecting everyone else from guns and that is a fallacy. Having a gun /may/ protect you, but it doesn't do anything for those around you. Particularly if you decide to go crazy and shoot up your work or school.
I have the solution.
All those that want to confiscate guns are the ones that have to confiscate the guns.
And your fucking piece of shit Leftist argument for trying to force people to take a vaccine was "If it saves one life, it's worth it." Except in this case, we KNOW firearm ownership saves lives and yet you are arguing against it. Fuck off you ghoulish piece of shit. You couldn't even wait for the bodies to be cold before trying to capitalize on the tragedy.