"San Francisco supervisor Hillary Ronen begs for more police in her district after voting to defund in 2020"
2020 - "I want to make it clear that I believe strongly in defunding the police and reducing the number of officers on our force," Ronen wrote. "For decades we’ve had an imbalance in our city’s budget, with hundreds of millions of dollars going to SFPD to have them do work they are not qualified to do."
2023 - "I've been begging this department to give the Mission what it deserves in terms of police presence all year long," Ronen said. "And I have been told time and time and time and time again there are no officers that we can send to Mission."
ROFL.. fucking morons, who to dumb to realize it will eventually come for them.
Fuck her, and fuck her district. They voted her in, now suffer the consequences.