If it’s not a registered NFA item, no. At least not yet.
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You argue you understand keeping guns out of the hands of evil or mentally unstable people, but you also argue against the most basic controls that would only marginally make the dealings of legit sellers more complicated. That is incredibly disingenuous. Anything that reduces the number of gray or black market firearms should be celebrated, not castigated as some tyranny aimed to make you fill out some extra pieces of paper.
I wipe my ass with your extra pieces of paper. The disarmament of Canada, Australia, and other countries in recent memory is not to be celebrated. Civil war will happen before I and others allow that to happen in this country.
But what did SHM’s question have to do with your ridicule?
I know you're dumb, but the ease of getting firearms in adjacent non permitting or wait list states makes the influx of firearms into population centers pretty obvious, but that doesn't occur to you. Countries with consistent gun controls, import controls, and massive gun penalties don't have gun problems. That is where the United States could have been.
I know you're dumb... since you were the one who literally said that "well regulated" in the 2nd Amendment was about government regulation of guns.
RHoF material.
Fun fact I heard the other day: We are 3rd highest out of like 190 countries for gun murder... but if you take out the top 4 cities with the highest rates.. which coincidently have been run by Democrats for years... we would be like 188th.
Democrat policies have failed this country and they have always been on the wrong side of history. Slavery, suffrage, civil rights, etc... they have always been on the wrong side.