You aren't dumb enough to actually believe that's the reason, right?
Also 50% of the population aren't MAGA supporters.
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Apparently you are dumb enough to think that. I was being nice since he through out loads of shit, loads of out right lies and there are dozens of reasons that people don't like the dementia dictator in chief.
And when you get on national TV and say that people that disagree with your policies are bad and a threat to democracy, just like Hitler did with the Jews, fine distinctions of semantics don't matter.
At least he finally showed his true colors and if the Republicans have any kind of media savvy, this is going to assure a red wave and his party is already trying to dump him.
Stop supporting a Hitler wannabe.
Fuck off. You support a racist fascist and yet you seem to think somehow you can come off as mature and rational? You support fascism, there is nothing mature or rational about that. And unlike selfish pieces of shit like you and other supporters of whoever can give you "free shit from the government" to buy your votes, I actually have concern for others, my community, the nation and humanity in general. Joe needs to go, I can't wait for the impeachments.
It's worth noting the crazy, hate filled, froth at the mouth Conservatives that form the MAGA loyalists are maybe a dozen members of Congress and a tiny fraction of the Republican party as a whole. And their threat, keeping Trump in power regardless of laws broken or constitutional amendments trampled upon, is a very real one.
Yeah, you sure do seem like a caring and loving person. Everything you've ever posted here just screams that. You calling everyone a racist and a fascist after being called that for 6 years now is a joke. You're a joke. No one takes you seriously with your half baked conspiracy theories. Who cares about your concern, might as well just say thoughts and prayers for all the good your concern does. I've volunteered at hospitals, helped set up farmer's markets, and helped dying relatives. What have you done for your community?
You're to proud to say you gotten taken in by a con man and probably still think the election was stolen, just like you still think everyone at the capitol was let in. You're a piece of shit who prances around like he knows what's best for everyone, guess what you don't. You have shit ideas and this country would be in far worse shape if "your ideas" (cause lets face it, you're just parroting what you've read) were implemented.
Sorry you're such a piece of shit and Biden got you big mad. Please cry some more.
Let's see, posting about volunteering and so on, how to try and build internet credibility technique #3, claim altruistic volunteering. Color me unimpressed.
So, You whine about claims the election was stolen but supported Hillary that claimed the same. You whine about my ideas but hey, your party is in charge, has wrecked the economy, enslaved our grandkids to decades of debt all to pay off world wide welfare scheme under the guide of saving the environment, enticed Russia into a war, locked the people up in their own homes needlessly, supported a guy that piled old folks into nursing homes to die alone, have literally talked about putting your political enemies into camps and now, your deer leader is calling half the population a threat to democracy. You support racist BLM and the burning of cities, assault on people, murder and so on because it suits your agenda, you have defunded cops, supported bailing out criminals that have gone on to murder people and all in the name of your progressive agenda.
Seems like things were a lot better off under the previous administration. But yeah, my ideas are horrible and the world would be so bad for them. Before the collapse comes, I hope you live long enough to suffer under the full weight of your policies, too bad others have to suffer as well because of you.