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So people like you don't really care about the president's family being a bunch of grifters and criminals and con-artists, only when a Republican is in office and is supposedly doing those things. Got it!
Is it any wonder why 99% of my political posts is just saying the exact same shit Democrats pretended to care about when a Republican was in office? And simpletons like you don't get what I'm doing.
Sure I do. I’m gonna need more than Seran’s laughable “poaching” example of a crime that one of the Trump’s committed. But let’s face it, all people like you have is a bunch of literal fake news and dreams that the Trump family committed crimes.
Hunter Biden is exactly what Democrats and media wishes Trump Jr was, but now they don’t care because he’s a Democrat.
Kind of not surprising that searches for Hunter Biden and Prostitutes links to Iranian news agencies, The Daily Wire, New York Post and Washington Times. The so called 'forensics expert' Kostantinos Dimitrelos posted his breakdown of everything on, Washington Examiner, Liberty Beacon, etc. etc., the only non-fact checking organizations willing to post this fake drivel.
So a couple of Russian pranksters called Stephen King pretending to be the president of Ukraine. The "president" said they have a national hero in Ukraine who "accidentally" committed some war crimes against Jews during WW2 (like holy shit, how can anyone NOT put 2 and 2 together at that point) and King went on to say this man is a hero and downplayed his role in murdering Jews during WW2 by saying that Washington owned slaves so everyone has "character flaws" so it's okay.
Remember this is the same man who called Trump evil, but murdering Jews during WW2? Just a character flaw.
Anything can be entered into the congressional record son, that doesn't grant any credibility, simply because Chuck Grassley had a meltdown trying to get the so called Hunter Biden laptop entered into congressional record. Nor did his pontificating over the issue make it any more credible. The amount of mouth breathing on the Republican side over a laptop produced by a State Department registered Russian diplomatic operative is shocking.