Unless, of course, you happen to be a human being in the womb. Then it's to the slaughter house.
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The party who came completely unglued over state's requiring it's people to wear masks, get vaccinations and to socially distance is a step to far, wants you to know that a woman, regardless of how she got pregnant or whether she is willing, capable, or ready to bear a child, must carry it to term. Basically Republicans see women as incubators of genetic material, period.
The vast majority of women who get pregnant, do so of their own free will. Birth control is widely available, so in the vast majority of cases, if a woman gets pregnant and didn't want to, it is due to her own irresponsibly. Apparently taking on the basic responsibility of being mature is too much for them.
Well...**TOUGH**. An unborn child...and that is what it is no matter what anyone thinks...shouldn't have to pay the ultimate price due to the fact that the Mother cannot take responsibility for her own actions.
Obviously I am not referring to rape nor an abortion procedure necessary to protect the life of the Mother...so please don't go screaming WHAT ABOUT RAPE?...which is what usually happens when I have this discussion with a liberal.
What about rape? Indiana is gearing up to prosecute a doctor who performed an abortion of the ten year old /child/ who was raped by a 27 year old, tell me at what point the Framers decided that one child should be forced to bear the results of rape to have another child? What about mental incapacity of the mother, terminal illness, pregnancy complications that put the woman at risk of death? The SCOTUS without reservation stated Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, the core tenants of our Declaration of Independence were meaningless because 'the State shall not infringe on a woman's right to abortion' doesn't exist in the Constitution. Really.
Democrats have had what, two supermajorities in the last fifty some odd years? Outside of the roughly 10 months in the last 13 years, there was one other time. The 95th Congress could have did it, but where was the priority to codify abortion rights, within the same decade where Roe V Wade had just stated unequivocally women had that right, should they have had forseen that an ultra-conservative court would override a bedrock principle a bit less than 50 years later? Lawl.
Notice how fast the Left stopped talking about that 10 year old rape victim, when it was finally revealed she was raped by an illegal alien?
"Fox News reported that Fuentes – a Guatemalan national – has had an ICE detainer placed on him and is in the country illegally, ICE confirmed to Fox News Digital that the suspect is indeed not in the U.S. lawfully."
Maybe because....
"One of President Biden's first acts on immigration is to suspend investigations, arrests, and deportations of most criminal aliens for the next 100 days."
"In practice, this means that ICE must release criminal aliens and others in custody who are not covered in these definitions. This will include aliens convicted of domestic violence, sex offenses, drunk driving, theft causing loss of less than $10,000, vehicular homicide, an infinite number of misdemeanor crimes, and much more."
Dems have a great platform to run on, no doubt.