Mechanical cock bows?
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Mechanical cock bows?
The bows that I set as 5x all dropped back to 4x. Only one sold, and I've talked to the buyer already. But hold off for a little bit before buying one. All the unlocked bows will be 5x.
a light crystal-sighted crossbow (tier 1)
a heavy crystal-sighted crossbow (tier 1)
a mechanical light arbalest (tier 2)
a mechanical heavy arbalest (tier 2)
- anyone know the new price for the crossbows/arbalests?
a serpentine-hilted dark rolaren falx -- Fana's special weapons... 1000 bloodscrip, are they unlocked? does anyone know?
So this was updated again this morning:
New prices are:Quote:
Originally Posted by Wyrom
T2: 5000
T1: 2500
Locked: 100
From room 18, a small white-washed building. Armor concealers.
>ins atanika
You carefully inspect your golden silk atanika.
You estimate that an embroidered golden silk atanika layered with ebon linen can store a fairly small amount with enough space for several items.
You determine that you could wear the atanika around your chest. The atanika appears to serve some purpose.
You determine that the golden silk atanika is an armor concealing garment that will hide soft leather, rigid leather, chain mail and plate mail armor which covers torso, arms and legs when it is worn.
:exclamation: Doesn't work on full body armor though, doesn't cover head.