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I'm always happy to have a conversation when someone is being reasonable. Not when they are being hysterical such as this:
What the hell does "most prosperous government" even mean? I think you mean the most prosperous COUNTRY in the world, and sometimes the US government helped that along, and at times (many, many times) the US has been prosperous despite the US government trying its hardest to make things difficult for people and companies.
Appeal to emotion garbage. So what's the theory? A government worker can clock in at 9AM, literally sit at their chair and play video games on their phone all day and clock out at 5PM with full pay and we have to keep paying this person because they have a family to support? Imagine how many government employees have been put out of work due to the invention and widespread usage of the computer! Let's have the government get rid of all computers and do everything manually again! Think of all of the people the government can employee! Innovation be damned!
What are you even saying here? That we have to keep funding the government at unsustainable levels and if a huge crash happens no big deal because we just have to get used to them because the government spends money like a drunken sailor?
Also when did I even say anything about the market crashing? I said the ECONOMY, you do know there is a difference right? I think you do, but when you steer the conversation towards the stock market you can pretend the only people who would get hurt are billionaires who have a lot of money tied up in the stock market, but when you talk about the economy crashing you know everyone, billionaires and people making minimum wage alike, will get screwed over.
The economy going to shit and the US dollar becoming completely worthless or even mostly worthless would hurt EVERYONE alike, again not just in the US but all over the world because a lot of the world trades in US dollars and depends on a strong American economy.