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No. You don't get to support people who have gutted collective bargaining rights, fought against a realistic minimum wage, who keep trying to lower taxes on the wealthy far more than anyone else, who make policy out of denying people health insurance, who deprive schools of funding, who fight for business rights over peoples' rights at every turn, who have made money speech, who have gutted campaign finance restrictions, who have fought to prevent federally funded child care and maternity leave, and who have decided to obliterate things like social security and welfare and then turn around and blame the other party for the decline of the middle class. You don't get to spend years pretending like income inequality doesn't exist and isn't an issue even if it does and then turn around and blame democrats for income inequality.
YOU have done nothing but cheer on everything that has decimated our middle class and have shown nothing but disdain and abject cruelty towards the poor.