I love it when T4F comes in and gets destroyed. All those degrees, education and expertise in everything (yeah we all believe you) and still gets it all wrong. Better tune back into the View and Don Lemon for some updates and get back to us.
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I love it when T4F comes in and gets destroyed. All those degrees, education and expertise in everything (yeah we all believe you) and still gets it all wrong. Better tune back into the View and Don Lemon for some updates and get back to us.
Aborting an unwanted college of cells or a non-viable fetus. And I'm glad you overlook everything from rape, incest, genetic defects, unpreparedness, financial security, emotional insecurity, as valid reasons to not be a parent, because you wouldn't be the worthless person you are otherwise.
The Bible makes for some pretty convincing abstinence policies, along with carelessness about unborn children and slaves. The old testament explains some of the fuckhood that happened before the 18th century, greed and megalomania the rest. But you've still got an entire Republican party trying to control women's lives based off of an arcane text, fucked up translations and absolute moral martyrdom. How about we remember equal protections, freedom FROM religion are all spelled different out in the Constitution and stop pretending we live in in a Christian Theocracy?
These account for what.. 1%? 2% of all abortions?
I'll be honest, I'm making that number up.. but I'm sure that number is infinitesimally small, given that liberals always use that as an excuse to keep abortions legal.
These reasons would be not wanting to take responsibility for your own actions.Quote:
unpreparedness, financial security, emotional insecurity, as valid reasons to not be a parent, because you wouldn't be the worthless person you are otherwise.
Taking a very literal interpretation of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, is generally not a great idea. There are religious and moral truths within scripture, but it’s not a history or law book.
I’m with you on separation of church and government, but understand that people are guided by their moral principles. For most people those principles have a religion as their foundation. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Is it beyond your comprehension that an atheist/agnostic may have a moral objection to abortion? I know MSNBC tells us that every group fits in a nice little organized partisan box, but the real world is much more diverse.
Oddly, the only person that has used the Bible as a reference is your side of the argument.
I avoid using the Bible as a reference because I know cretins, like you, won't accept biblical arguments.
Besides, why would I use the bible when science overwhelmingly proves that abortion is the act of murdering a human being.
I get that you and your ilk needs to paint everyone as a religious zealot simply because every argument on the pro-baby killer side is void of logic and reason.