That's tantamount to saying we need more Putin running our country.
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If Seran was given any form of power, how many Christians would he send off to the ovens?
I'm not sure he could find the time with his busy schedule of pushing abortions on young impressionable women, grooming little kids, shoving men into girl's locker rooms, forcing small women to compete against grown men in physical and dangerous sports, and having unarmed protesters shot dead if they dare to speak up against him, all the while shutting down the country for years on end to consolidate his power while maintaining he's just "following the science."
You have to look at it from Seran's point of view. You see, MSNBC didn't exist yet in the 1700s, so Seran just assumed that normal people would do the same shit he does when he doesn't have MSNBC on telling him what to think.
Actual photo of Seran when he doesn't have MSNBC on:
And here's an actual photo of Seran when he does have MSNBC on:
Oh so anything with cells that divide is legally alive. So I guess we should be making chemotherapy illegal too since cancerous tumors have dividing cells. Also organ removal. Those have cell division too. Oh don't even get me started on elective surgery. I hope we have enough jail cells for all of these people.
Or we could be adults about this and acknowledge that when we say "life at conception", we are very obviously not talking about the definition of biological life. We're talking about personhood. Because if we *were* talking about the definition of biological life, then we would have to start throwing A LOT of people in jail.
So why don't you take another shot at this Mr "I got through 7th grade science class with a passing grade"