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What you described has absolutely nothing to do with Critical Race Theory you idiot.
Critical Race Theory is just an offshoot of Critical Legal Theory- which looks at the system of power and inequality as a social structure, and law as both a contributor to, and reflection of, that social structure. i.e. The law is part of how inequality is perpetuated, and legal reform is how we can remedy problems of social inequality. Not a single person here disagrees with that statement, I guarantee. And everyone here has, at some point in their life, said something along the lines of: "The law is there to protect rich people and screw over poor people". Congrats, you are a believer in the fundamental tenants of Critical Legal Theory.
Critical Race Theory is just applying Critical Legal Theory to racism and racial power. It does NOT- in any way, shape, or form- state that everything in history should be seen through the lens of racial inequality. It's a legal theory about the legal system and the way it has been used to enforce racism, and it's only interested in looking at legal remedies to the issue. NOT through the behaviors of individual actors.
Literally no one here believes that it hasn't. The "One Drop Rule", Segregation, racial limits on property ownership, laws that made black people actual property, etc. are all examples of the law enforcing racial inequality. If you can see that, then congratulations: you are a believe in the fundamental tenants of Critical Race Theory.
It is not interested in how children behave. It's not interested in how you behave. It does not give a shit about anyone who doesn't either create or actively enforce laws that are either intentionally written to codify racial inequality or that have the unintentional effect of codifying racial inequality.
What's actually going on here is a bunch of people want to get schools to stop talking about the existence of, and history of, racism in this country. And they just put together a whole list of things they think shouldn't happen- most of which isn't- and gave it a name that would scare people: Critical Race Theory.
Because they know virtually no one outside of niche academic and community activist circles has any idea what it means, and that they won't bother to look it up from an independent source.