Crazy they are that fucking clueless. I'm not saying there aren't some people that truly think that, but I don't think it is anywhere near a majority.
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Is that from Babylon Bee?
No way that can be an actual quote.
Only someone truly retarded like Bhaalz and Seran would actually believe that.. and be all like:
ETA: Holy fuck.. it's a real quote.
I'm fairly sure it was a satirical post. But who knows.
“And so the key to reducing our economic exposure, to high gasoline and diesel prices, is to simply use less gasoline and diesel.” - some idiot on CNN
Why didn’t anyone think of this before?!
This is what the majority of Americans think. Not that bullshit they put on "mainstream" channels.
Definitely not his best work musically, but the sentiment is there. When did Americans lose that "fuck you" attitude when someone is trying to run your life? Feels about around 2010 is when you started to really sense/see it, but who knows.
Maybe you'll listen to Kyrie Irving then... You and your kind are scared, passive, malleable automatons.
Going to say "fuck him" too? If you do... you're a racist... LOL.