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So, you believe veterans don't deserve decent healthcare.
I'm shocked.. coming from the guy who claims that women are not good leaders.
You don't work for anyone... and were probably never good at anything.Quote:
I certainly wouldn't work for you, PB "you are owed nothing after 300 years of slavery" bandit.
Mr. "BUT TEHRE WUZ A LAW" Neveragain
And it's been what.. 6-7 generations since the last time the US allowed slavery in this country.. maybe it's time for liberal white women like yourself to stop blaming it on everything?
Not my personal opinion, but it is the opinion of every single vet I personally know.
One, with a variety of issues from agent orange exposure in Nam among other things swears by the VA all the time and is thankful he doesn't have to deal with the health care options i do.
Another with bad hips and ears has brand new high tech versions of both at no cost, and no complaints.
Your experience may be different, but I know these guys and they both have high praise for the VA.