Odd... sort of like schools and liberal "indoctrination"? I'm good with no politics in Church, if you're good with no "social justice" issues in school.
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You should actually research the homestead act. People had to develop the land and live there for 5 years before being given the deed.
The homestead act has resulted in what is most likely one of the greatest wealth producers in human history, that will continue to produce wealth into the future.
So...yes...they were given valuable land for free. Many of those places were eventually sold to corporations or bought by corporations to begin with via people claiming the land as a front for said corporation.
IF the government is actually going to set down parameters and actually verify this information before handing off deeds, you're essentially shutting poor people out of this to begin with by requiring them to develop the land first. Only rich black people would be able to develop any land in this already racist scheme.
One Google search later and;
Yeah if they are giving away land that is practically worthless already, and it's just big enough for a house and a small farm then it's whatever. The homestead act was giving away hundreds of acres and entire families were each acquiring land to form one mega farmland.
That's not at all what I said. You're ignoring the sale of land for natural resources that's used for grants to develop homesteads.
I won't even start on the land that was original promised to slaves at the end of the civil war that was quickly reneged on.
These people are owed this land, it's a fact. It wouldn't cost the taxpayer a dime, would increase tax revenue, provide jobs and reduce the cost of nearly every product.
That land promise was written into law by Lincoln/Republicans. 40 acres and a mule.
They are literally owed that land.
If there's one thing the federal government is famous for is reneging on treaties and land contracts with Native Americans and former slaves. But it was super great when giving free land to Europeans.
P.S. The lowest estimate for a monetary value for that promised land is 6.4 trillion.