You voted for Kanye West right? I forgot.
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People should stop leaving one area for X reason and then vote for the same X bullshit in their new state that they left their old state over in the first place.
It's not complicated.
Person: I'm leaving California and moving to Texas because taxes in California are fucking insane!
Person, but now living in Texas: *votes for higher taxes*
Person a few years later after voting for a bunch of tax hikes: What the fuck? Why are taxes just as bad here now as they were in California before I moved?
Why? Why do you always have to ruin a thread?
I hate you.
I expect better from you though.
KANYE 2024!!!!!!!
Tucker Carlson and the rest of Fox News would like you to remember that Russia is our friend and President Biden is our foreign foe.
Kind of ironic he's wryly chastising Biden for saying the Soviet Union wanted peace, when that's exactly what was proven when Boris Yeltsin broke up the Soviet state and gave autonomy to its ethnically divergently member states.Quote:
The Soviets wanted peace. Joe Biden told us that repeatedly in the 70s and 80s. Russia, by contrast, just wants war. The Russians are warlike people. It's inherent. Russians are driven by bloodlust. They have tiny brains. Their breath smells like herring. They're always drunk, often on aftershave or household cleaning products. On Sunday mornings, when good people are still asleep at home with their families, your average Russian will still be lurking through the dark streets, leering through bloodshot eyes, trying to subvert somebody else's democracy or conquer a peace-loving neighbor. Just you Russians are. It's what they do.
Meanwhile, Putin whom Carlson wants you to know is our hero in this tale invaded Ukraine, Georgia, put a populist leader in Belarus and is set to invade Ukraine again.
So.. for all you Fox News fanatics out there, Russia isn't our friend. Our President is being clear about overseas intelligence and actions being taken after your Conservative party prolapsed over our leaving Afghanistan and rescuing tens of thousands of Afghan allies.