I mean, what was the primary occupation of slaves in the 1800s? Picking cotton. It doesn't take any great leap.
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So everyone's a victim.
A white supremacist one time used the okay hand gesture so now it's a racist hate symbol, no matter the context.
It's crazy.
Every time St. Patrick's Day rolls around I don't give a single shit that people have basically devolved the holiday into Irish people being a bunch of drunk idiots. People need to stop being the victim all the time.
Or people can stop playing the victim. She immediately apologized for saying nothing wrong to begin with, then explained it wasn't meant to be offensive, and was still immediately escorted from the property like some sort of criminal and fired from that school.
This is what I was talking about the other day with internet censorship and how the rules are too broad. Just say "hate speech" isn't allowed and suddenly an otherwise non-offensive term like "cotton picking hands" is deemed hate speech and you lose your rights.
Stop being a victim.
I'm pretty sure the last time I heard that phrase used was on Bugs Bunny or some shit, back when Saturday mornings kicked ass.
Wasn't too long ago when here on the PC a lot of people were giving you shit for calling everyone a "faggot" and I said the same thing in your defense then: people need to stop playing the victim all the time.
Why aren't you showing this woman the same courtesy? Should you lose your job for saying "stupid shit"? Have you "evolved" on this issue over the past couple of years?