An October 2019 article in The Daily Beast reported that RealClear Media manages a Facebook page of "far-right memes and Islamophobic smears." Anand Ramanujan, Chief Technology Officer for RealClear Media, responded that the company created the website that was affiliated with the Facebook page "as part of an effort to understand the flow of traffic from social media—particularly Facebook—to political websites."[22]
Since 2017, when a large number of its straight news journalists were laid off, RealClearPolitics has had a rightward, pro-Trump turn.[10] In November 2020, The New York Times reported that "Real Clear became one of the most prominent platforms for elevating unverified and reckless stories about the president's political opponents, through a mix of its own content and articles from across conservative media."[10] Three days after every major media outlet declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election, the website reported that Pennsylvania was still undecided. Some allies of Donald Trump falsely claimed that RealClearPolitics had rescinded its call of Pennsylvania for Biden; however, the website had not yet called a winner in the state.[23][24] The website elevated stories that "reinforced the false narrative that the president could still somehow eke out a win."[10]
So this is just one of y'all's Kool-aid stands huh. Okay then fine don't let me break up the roleplay. Let's go Brandon and whatnot!