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You're joking, right? 61% of America paid zero federal incomes tax last year, meaning the average citizen had to come up with 47-48% in taxes to what exactly? Payroll taxes? Wrong. Sales taxes? Wrong. Gasoline taxes at 18 cents a gallon? Nope not there either. Considering California has the highest marginal tax rate at 13.3% for the highest earners, surely you're not calling your friends Buffy and Bunny at the Yacht Club average person? Cleary you're lying.
So let's move on to those evil corporate bastards who benefited from covid-19. I presume of course you're referring to Walmart and Amazon. Now setting aside their hourly pay is double that of the majority of states, plus they give benefits. Setting aside they made sure your family had reasonable access to food, toiletries and medicines. Setting aside they had the infrastructure to step up and meet demand, while mom and pop main street tried to get by charging 30% markup while paying minimum wage. Why, if salute you planting your flag in the name of inconvenience and overpayments!
Now the poor poor nuclear family, being destroyed by what I presume you are referring to LGBT+ indoctrination, maybe those state mandated divorces and baby factories? Oh wait, none of those things exist, so hist what is destroying your idea of the American Family. Things not quite as white as they used to be and you're scared?
Leave discussions to the big kids. You clearly have no fucking clue.