The title just makes me chuckle.
"Unauthorized". Who "authorizes" them?
I personally think them going over like that was dumb, because it would cause a ruckus on the ground.. but at same time can understand 2 Vets who served, now serving in Congress, going to see the conditions first hand. I'm sort of 50/50 on it really. Maybe 51/49 okay with it, since two guys that have served in the theater, should know what's in store if shit goes sideways - so it's all on them.
My big question is though. What charter company took on the job... Who took that call and was like, "sure thing! we'll drop you right off in Kabul!". OGA flight maybe? Little something else going on maybe?
Don't see how people can get ticked though.. considering we apparently sent over the head of the CIA to meet with the head of the Taliban, without anyone knowing.
Hmm.. maybe the CIA Chief was on the flight with them? (Okay, okay that might be a little conspiracy theory) - but makes ya wonder.