Bazzelwyn Casting Gloves - mana cunsumed when absorbing wands
I just recently remembered I had a pair of these gloves and I was looking to do an odd build around them. I go to use the gloves and they work like I remember, but I didn't realize they consume mana when you absorb a wand or rod into them. The cost of mana to absorb a wand into the gloves threw me for a loop and I had to rethink a build I'm working on because of the high mana draw some fully charged wands were costing.
I was curious to the mana costs because a fully charged metal wand cost 56 mana to absorb where as a fully charged aqua wand cost 24 mana to absorb, then a 12 charged aqua wand cost 7 mana to absorb......I looked on the wiki and there is no mention of mana being consumed when absorbing wands/rods for these casting gloves.
From what I can figure out if you want to know the mana it'll cost to absorb a wand into the casting gloves you need to use this:
trunc((Total Charges [the wand holds] * Spell Cost [cost of mana it takes to cast the spell based on spell level]) / 5) = Mana cost to absorb
40 charge aqua wand, spell 903 (3 mana a cast)
trunc((40 x 3) / 5) = 24 - you need 24 mana to absorb this wand
40 charge blue wand, spell 1709 (9 mana a cast)
trunc((40x9) / 5) = 72 - you need 72 mana to absorb this wand
29 charge twisted wand, spell 702 (2 mana a cast)
trunc((29x2) / 5) = 11.6 - you need 11 mana to absorb this wand
14 charge crystal wand, spell 1710 (10 mana a cast)
trunc((14x10) / 5) = 28 - you need 28 mana to absorb this wand
13 charge metal wand, spell 907 (7 mana a cast)
trunc((13x7) / 5) = 18.2 - you need 18 mana to absorb this wand
40 charge thanot wand, spell 708 (8 mana a cast)
trunc((40x8) / 5) = 64 - you need 64 mana to absorb this wand
I just figured I would share what I found for anyone else that was curious. I didn't try absorbing any wands that required more mana than my character had, but a fully charged crystal wand was close. Takes 80 mana to absorb a 40 charge crystal wand and my character only had 100 mana, damn near took all his mana just to absorb that wand.