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So, I've been lifting and working out and taking supplements and all that bullshit for the last couple months. Hell, I bought a pull up bar, when i was in the Marine I used to do about 26 pullups. I got this bar I could barely do two. I gained about twenty pounds though. I'm back up to doing about 15. I'm actually sticking at about 180. I've been doing curls and benching, I can see my muscles getting bigger... I can do about 50 pushups with no stop now, still working on that... My goal is to get
And it is fucking amazing. I'm also making tacos.
And my new ones came in. I had one that I lost a while back, so I got four more.
Because fuck you. I like it and it is easy. Redneck Cuisine bitches.
You know, the cheese in the shell stuff from Taco Bell.
The Quesalupa.... Yeah, barely noticeable cheese.
The Quesarito.... TONS OF CHEESE.
I got both in beef. If you enjoy Taco Bell, get the second. If you are drunk, get 4 of both.