Meeting Minutes

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  1. shad0ws0ngs
    Sorry guys, but I am going to cancel the meeting for tonight, I just do not feel well at all. The only thing I really wanted to go over was to remind everyone that we are doing a siegery tournament for frontier days and (hopefully(I haven't heard back from Reidyn yet)) a raffle for a customized Faendryl siegery miniature. Durakar is going to be running the event, I am going to assist him. Frontier days are later this month. If anyone has event ideas for the future, please feel free to post them in the event folder. I think there was a thread started for an MHO building ideas also, if anyone gets some ideas.
  2. shad0ws0ngs
    Tonights meeting included a visit from GM Reidyn that finalized the custom siegery miniature raffle we are going to have with the event friday, 24th, 8pm eastern. The issue of having meetings just the first wednesday of each month was brought up and everyone seemed to like it. On the third wednesday of every month we could do a social get together, in case people still want to get together(and RP and such), but not a formal gathering. Ideas for a joint mentor/enclave event were discussed also.
  3. shad0ws0ngs
    It turns out that, within Silverwood Manor, the Dark Elf Pavilion from Dark Elf Weekend is still up. Food, weapons, armor, pouches, sheaths, runestones. Since it was open tonight, because of a previous earlier event, we had our meeting there. We discussed the most recent event and raffle, the siegery one. We have no set event in the near future, but a few ideas for joint events are prominent right now. I will contact the various groups and see what they think of the ideas. We also discussed the future MHO building and I am definitely open to suggestions and ideas on that.
  4. shad0ws0ngs
    Just a reminder, meeting is tomorrow night, 10/3, at 10pm eastern, in the landing. Meetings are now the first wednesday of each month.
  5. shad0ws0ngs
    Discussed a possible enclave/mentor event in the future, ideas for future events, permanent structure ideas, etc. Looking at an auction in the future if anyone wants to donate stuff
  6. shad0ws0ngs
    Just a reminder, we are only having meetings once a month now, so that is the FIRST wednesday of every month. However, since that falls during EG we will postpone that till after EG
  7. shad0ws0ngs
    Meeting moved from original date to the 14th, for EG. Landing, 10pm, eastern time. Initiation after meeting.
  8. shad0ws0ngs
    Discussed the events in the making, a discussion on Faendryl and Religion, an auction, possibly siegery tournament, and a contest early next year.

    If anyone would like to donate items for the auction, let myself(Japhrimel) or Leifa know. Leifa is organizing it.

    If anyone has a siegery mini and loves the game, also let me know! I know a few people are hoping to organize a league and having recently held a tournament, we are considering helping with another.

    The contest wont be discussed in depth at the moment, assuming we do it, but essentially it is "design a permanent building".. I love getting everyone's input in creating the Enclave.

    We would also like to welcome Shanng Jah'Sherak Faendryl to the Enclave.
  9. shad0ws0ngs
    Meeting tonight! 10pm! landing!
  10. shad0ws0ngs
    In attendance: Japhrimel, Faylith, Tysong, Omnitrunks, Liaro, Jocelyne, and Malikaen.

    Discussed the upcoming event on the 20th. Requested people to submit ideas for the permanent structure. Also mentioned the bi-monthly Demonology discussions being hosted by an NPC in the Faendryl Embassy in Ta'Illistim. Also... we can submit for the prize closet again, if anyone has ideas!
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