Do you have ideas for places in Elanthia? Hunting areas, neighborhoods, cities and towns, or trails, bring your comments here! You never know, your ideas might influence the future development of Elanthian geography! No flaming or arguing is allowed.
What is an alteration? Who are merchants and how can you find them? How to be prepared for getting the item of your dreams without being rejected. Hints, tips, and designing advice at your fingertips!
A place to discuss the cities, towns, and hunting areas of Elanthia. Each major area has its own sub-forum.
Not all of us can be there when the stubborn critters decide to attack, or when a big merchant has arrived. This folder is to discuss those such events.
AS - DS * Droll = huh? Figure out how Gemstone's game mechanics operate.
Debate and discuss issues ranging from new game features to favorite ingame pass times. Whatever may be on your mind about Gemstone that you wish to share, this is the place to do it.
For those who dare to play in a world full of chaos but with complete freedom.
Gemstone isn't perfect... but that doesn't mean you can't post what bothers you about it. Discuss policy issues, GM favoritism, and other aspects of GemStone which you feel are bothersome.
Sometimes it seems like Elanthian civilization is moving backwards. Post in here about characters abusing mechanics, playing completely absurd roles, and trends that should have died years ago.
This forum is to alert us of all those who ruin your Gemstone experience, scam others senselessly, and have no regard or respect for the game. Let out your deepest frustrations in here.
When Simutronics screws up, be the first to call them on it. Information on GMs who twist policy, show blatant favoritism, and simply have no clue what the heck they’re doing or supposed to be doing goes in here.
New mechanics that screw you over, professions that still haven’t been balanced, incomplete spell spheres, these are all a major part of Gemstone yet they’re given so little attention. This is the forum to let your complaints be known by the rest of
This is your forum to vent about invasions that favour the powerful and spit on the weak, merchants that cost a fortune to attend but have nothing but fluff to sell, and quests that are simply unfair, unbalanced, and nonsensical.
Discuss any and everything good about Gemstone. Let a GM know they did a good job. Hand out your own RP award. No flames or arguing allowed.
A place to discuss the news and announcements of GemStone IV.
Going once! Going twice! Sold! Bring in all your goods and valuables and sell them in here or make a trade.
Don't know how much an item is worth? Unsure of its properties? Have a lot of questions? Get the information you're searching for right here!
Offers of single items, sets, lots or services with one upfront asking price.
Going once! Going twice! SOLD! Multiple item lots with minimum bids should be posted here.
Leave those cumbersome coins out of your transactions. Exchange, swap and barter instead.
Buy and sell GemStone IV characters.
Turn your in-game currencies into real life dollars by selling them here.
High-end goods for in-game coin or real cash.
Offers of services, such as enchanting, ensorcelling, tattooing, forging, cobbling, etc...
Need some hints on how to catch that shy lass, or charming lad? Need tips to ditch that pesky pest? In-laws driving you to drink? Friends that don't understand? Ask for advice, or discuss Gemstone relationships here.
To roleplay... or not to roleplay. What separates the roleplayer from the rollplayer and when can one finally consider themselves a true roleplayer? Show off your roleplaying events and experiences and dig deep into the heart of roleplaying.
For those of you who just have the big urge to bring your programming skills into Gemstone. Discuss scripting issues, tips and techniques.
Unofficial support and discussion for PsiNet.
Unofficial support and discussion for The Lich Project.
Reserved for the posting of hunting scripts for critters leveled 0 to 10.
Reserved for the posting of hunting scripts for critters leveled 11 to 25.
Reserved for the posting of hunting scripts for critters leveled 26 to 50.
Reserved for the posting of hunting scripts for critters leveled 51 and up.
Any other scripts such as guild trainers, healing, or spellup scripts can be found and posted in here.
Find and post all travelling scripts in this forum.