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Forum: Gemstone Complaints

Gemstone isn't perfect... but that doesn't mean you can't post what bothers you about it. Discuss policy issues, GM favoritism, and other aspects of GemStone which you feel are bothersome.

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  1. Sometimes it seems like Elanthian civilization is moving backwards. Post in here about characters abusing mechanics, playing completely absurd roles, and trends that should have died years ago.

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    • Threads: 477
    • Posts: 17,611
  2. This forum is to alert us of all those who ruin your Gemstone experience, scam others senselessly, and have no regard or respect for the game. Let out your deepest frustrations in here.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 902
    • Posts: 58,429
  3. When Simutronics screws up, be the first to call them on it. Information on GMs who twist policy, show blatant favoritism, and simply have no clue what the heck they’re doing or supposed to be doing goes in here.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 260
    • Posts: 17,026
  4. New mechanics that screw you over, professions that still haven’t been balanced, incomplete spell spheres, these are all a major part of Gemstone yet they’re given so little attention. This is the forum to let your complaints be known by the rest of

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 222
    • Posts: 4,868
  5. This is your forum to vent about invasions that favour the powerful and spit on the weak, merchants that cost a fortune to attend but have nothing but fluff to sell, and quests that are simply unfair, unbalanced, and nonsensical.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 55
    • Posts: 2,150

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